Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nike V. Marcus Jordan. V. Addias

The legendary NBA star, Michael Jordan’s son, Marcus Jordan, had announced that he will only be wearing his father’s Air Jordan’s instead of the sponsored adidas kicks. As Marcus Jordan’s school, University of Central Florida, is in its final year of the five-year contract with adidas, this issue becomes a sensitive topic in terms of contract renewal, which was previously estimated to be a three-million dollar deal. As a result of Marcus’ Jordan’s refusal to sport the full adidas sponsored gear which was stated necessary in the sponsorship contract, adidas decided to drop future sponsorship with UCF. According to an email from adidas spokesperson, Andrea Corso, to the Associated Press, “The University of Central Florida has chosen not to deliver on their contractual commitment to adidas…As a result we have chosen not to continue our relationship with them moving forward”. Regardless of family loyalty and justifications on both sides, the result is that all sports teams from UCF are affected by this controversy.


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