Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fork in the Road

Young enough to still have dreams, about the things I want to do, and how I want to change the world. As I sit here, and watch my time run out, I am lost. Listening to everyone except myself, you would think the second quarter just started and I still had a chance to make a difference. But I am looking at the game, from the eyes of the losing coach in the fourth quarter and if I don’t switch up now; I never will. The way I smile you would think I never had a problem in life, but now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place, all you can do is push. But my arms been tired and the only thing that keeps me moving are the two things under my torso.

It’s funny how a year can change your entire outlook on life. I remember when I got that cherry letter in the mail, felt disrespected like the least thing they could of did was send it in a regular envelope. Either way my social life is at an all time high, all because of what Philly has done for me. I don’t know why I feel some type of way, when I look around I is not the only one with a plan; I am not the only one with my head on backwards focusing on the past. Thinking about the today and the day before, but never about tomorrow and the next day. Kicking it with my friends, I feel like they all saying if “life is going to pass me by at least I want to watch.” Am I posse to understand the world at the age of 20? I doubt it but I don’t think I have ten years to pass the class and finally understand the meaning of it.

 All this is a crossroad, but I might as well call it a fork in the road. I know I get a little emotional when my life is hanging in the balance, but what am I suppose to do. If I stand here, on the destroyed concrete that is to say I will ever walk away. They say Jersey roots and Global reach, but I been down this road before and it only got me to Philadelphia. Everyone says they see the potential, but I don’t know where it is going to take for me to reach success. When is this potential going to get me more than a Coke and a smile? I need more. Matter fact I am striving for more, I cant sit around and watch the next day pass me. I look at everything that has ever happened to me in this state of mind and it hasn’t got me far. A few tickets, a crazy ex girlfriend, and two handfuls of frienemies. Nothing changes in a year except my location and residency. I said 21, I should be away from this garbage but the smell of Jersey follows you across the Betsy Rose and the Benjamin Franklin. Either way I need to make a choice by next week, so I will keep you updated. 

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