Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Maybelline, Mac, Blistex; Lessons in Love

Prequel; So let me confess, about all the broken hearts I collected. I dealt with mostly every kind of women, so I am going to testify. They all seem to come in my life at the same time, three women all in different phase of their lives, all meet up with me when I was least focused on the job ahead of me. Didn’t believe in love until after all three walked out of my life.



She was about 10 years older than me, to this day I don’t know how we meet, I just remember crossing paths. When we first hooked up, she knew she was older than by my maturity. For some reason I think she stuck around for that exact reason. She was almost 30; she was the oldest of all her brother and sisters, told me she was forced to grow up early. She understood I was young, at the time I had just got out of high school. What Maybelline and me shared, was more than a relationship. She played as my mentor; told me what to look for in a women; she knew we could never be together just because of our age. But you couldn’t tell me that, I was obsessed with her beauty and her knowledge. She had a hard life, she told me she had no chance to have children of her own; and that was the reason the man of her dreams had left. She was 30 years old, and could have a family of her own; I was depressed for her when she told me that. No need to front we shared more than a couple nights together, I loved her sexuality and she loved my energy. I was a student in love, and she was teaching me everything I needed to know about a young lady; how to treat them and what to give and what not. Still asking myself does age equate wisdom? The only time Maybelline felt young, is when she looked in my eyes. She set me down and told me if I was in her life she doesn’t know what she would be living for.



Oh, Mac. Every night was a headache with her. All the arguing and bickering to this day I can’t tell you about what. I was a couple months older than her, should have knew I was going to have a problem with her when she told me she was a Leo. Makes since, she acted like she ran the show from day one. All she ever wanted to do was party and bullshit; she had balls telling me about all the dudes she bagged. I wasn’t impressed about her actions but by her confidence. She thought she was the best thing since slice bread, walking around the mall with her was the worst. She use to show out when I seen some girl I knew. She had a problem with any girl I was giving attention too, other than her. She made it know, I was lucky to be in presence. Every time we kicked I felt that she was covering something ugly inside, hiding the flaws but she made her so called “perfections” know to the public. When her and me finally over, I found out about the ugly truth. Mac was abused and raped by her step pops, not to say her actions reflected it; but she was chasing love from a man. I was trying to give it to her the whole time, but because of her past she seen all men as evil. I don’t blame her; I just wish her the best. We still keep in contact, she is known to go off on a tantrum, but that’s when I lose interest and stop trying to help her. Mac was nothing but a young lady that was faced to grow up early, not because she wanted to but because the world made her. A man hurt her before I ever was in the picture.



She was two years younger than me when first linked up. I just thought we were going to be friends, but this young lady had a little bit more in mind. She took her chance as soon as she had me alone. The whole time, I am asking her why don’t you talk t someone your own age. And every time, “none of those boys have anything for me”. If you meet her today she will tell you I was the first one to ever break her heart. I loved her, but I never told her I was in love with her. I left for college, and she couldn’t take it. First couples of weeks of school my entire phone calls were from her and my mother. She was a little bit more pressed than anyone else. I took her virginity, I was thinking in the moment and not for the future. She missed me and but I was too busy enjoying college and the life that comes with that. She stuck on me, and I am worried about everything that but her. By time Thanksgiving came around, she had cut my face out every picture and deletes my number from her phone. She said when she seen me driving she almost vomited in her mouth. Obliviously its my fault, I said the right things at the wrong time. Now she is all messed up in the game, thinking that niggas aint shit. But like I told her don’t take your feelings out on he next guy. I can only blame myself on why she looks at the world and love the way she does. I lead her on, as if it could just be her, knowing that she had no chance and me. Her silly crushed evolve into what she thought was love. And all I can say is sorry, no matter what I do you will never get your cherry back. 

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