Monday, June 15, 2009


I remember last semester have this conversation with Malik. Knowing that my dream is only a reach away. At my crib discussing what it is going to be like when I get closer to my dreams.



I grow up a little early, so I was drinking patron at the age of 15. Fast forward five years I am surprised it took me so long to get a DUI. But regardless I am still driving, it takes a man to realize his a mistake the minute after he makes it. All I can remember is them putting the cuffs on me, and I am still screaming not guilty. Fast forward a little bit more I am cracking jokes with the police officer while I am behind the cell. I feel like an animal but my carsma was still seeking thru those bars.

In the mist of it all, friends threw themselves out the circle. I been down the same road, you lead someone to water but you cant force them to drink. So no matter how many times I want someone to do better they wont until they can see themselves doing it. At the end of the day, you cant help someone that cant help themselves. Matter fact you can show someone better, but that doesn’t mean they going follow you. Nothing in this world is worth stealing unless its Lauren London’s heart. And since she ran away with Wayne, and a young lady from the Bronx fell into my lap. I might else run with it. My friends know I will give them the last of what I have, but you wont take something that isn’t mine and that’s word.


Ta right by side me, happy that I finally gave up my “love affair” go. Last summer she told, it was time to move on. My ears listened but heart was to focused on her, she was too busy trying to change me, instead of trying to rearrange me So she messed up, at the beginning of the week she does want nothing to do with me. By Thursday she wants to talk about our problems over lunch. I don’t know why I even pick up the phone. My new girl claims she  not scared just don’t want to mess up history. Try to explain to her that no matter what she does its HISTORY.


Not to make any excuse, but I thought I was having a problem finding a main, only because I was young, talented, and black. A lot of young ladies are scared of that, rather be with the dude not do anything with his life. I try to show them, my mother raised me and showed me how to treat a young lady.

I go too many video idea, and not enough videos.

I just want my mom, to sit around a table with her friends and say “My baby’s a star, but I been knew that” I am going do it Mom, just because I put you through it.


So I am on the blog, if not I am in the city. In the studio, with Kelz never thought that someone younger than me would give my inspiration. Dude works hard and all I can do is respect that.


I asked shorty if she was going to ride for me, she said how am I going to do that when your tank stay on E. My heart is far from empty, yet its full with love but those who cross me and cross the people around me cant last. No matter what we been thru. You are forever going to be associated with the people you deal with. And I should of listen when your uncle said you aint shit. I refuse to run, I wish you the best. Without a doubt, but  day by day I am not doing anything but getting older, and you dong shit that my younger cousin no better.


I can talk about girls all day, but I got another note for that..



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