What with all the job-lossness and forclosuring and brokery happening in 2009, maybe rap’s superstars feel its declassé to throw over the top parties?
In the video above, Weezy celebrates with rhinestone-laced cake (and no, I don’t believe those are diamonds) and champagne in what looks like a dentist office. And after the jump, he tells DJ Drama that he also enjoyed a birthday outing to a Minnesota Vikings game (albeit via private jet). But they still seem to be having fun, and just because the conspicuousness is absent, doesn’t mean the consumption is too.NewLilWayne sent over photos of Baby’s gift this year: a “million-dollar Chopard watch,”which came with a haphazard tattoo on Baby’s arm of Wayne’s birth date in semi-chinese-take-out font. (Overkill since the man already has a Weezy-face tat…but its the thought that counts.) .